Kenya Publications


Week 26 : 23 - 29 June 2018

Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 26 : 23 - 29 June 2018


Week 25 : 16 - 22 June 2018

Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 25 : 16 - 22 June 2018


Week 23 : 02 - 08 June 2018

Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 23 : 02 - 08 June 2018


Week 18: 28 April - 4 May 2018

Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 18: 28 April - 4 May 2018


Improved school-based deworming coverage through intersectoral coordination: The Kenya experience

Improved school-based deworming coverage through intersectoral coordination: The Kenya experience


Addressing determinants of health through intersectoral collaboration: fish farming project in South Imenti constituency in Meru County, Kenya

Addressing determinants of health through intersectoral collaboration: fish farming project in South Imenti constituency in Meru County, Kenya


Intersectoral collaboration on child nutrition in informal settlements in Mombasa: a Kenyan case study

Intersectoral collaboration on child nutrition in informal settlements in Mombasa: a Kenyan case study


Learning from Holistic thinking in Mental Health Programmes in Kenya

Learning from Holistic thinking in Mental Health Programmes in Kenya


Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 2: 6 - 12 January 2018

Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 2: 6 - 12 January 2018


 International Health Emergency Response Plan: Marburg Virus Disease

International Health Emergency Response Plan: Marburg Virus Disease